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Thread: Add featured option same price for each job plan

  1. #1
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    ironbit's Avatar
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    Add featured option same price for each job plan


    On the pricing plans page (whilst adding a job) I have 3 plans: Free, Single Job and Multiple Job plans.

    Each plan has the option (a tick box) to make the listing featured. However, the same message appears for EVERY plan "Additional options: Feature on Homepage and Listings for 30 days for only £49.99 more."..

    So my question is:

    For the plan that has 10 jobs, is the user getting 10x featured listings for just an extra £49.99?? With the single job plan , they just get one job featured for the same 'extra' amount.

    Surely that can't be right. The £49.99 extra should be PER JOB, not different per plan.

    I hope this makes sense. You can see it in action on my site


  2. #2
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