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Thread: Custom Backoffice Access Permissions?

  1. #1
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    Amateur morayweb's Avatar
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    Custom Backoffice Access Permissions?

    I am wondering if there is a simple way to enable access to the majority of the JobRoller admin functions for a user of role Editor?

    I have changed the setting so that Editors have access to the the Admin panel, however they can only view certain pieces if info and data.

    The idea is that a user in the Editor role should be able to manage the day-to-day running of a JobRoller site including access to the JobRoller Dashboard, setting up Packs, checking payments and orders, administering jobs - however without access to the settings for the theme itself, and updating etc.

    This would allow me to maintain the site as an admin, and them to run the site without any risk of breaking things with a premature update or change of settings.

    Any thoughts or advice?

  2. #2
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