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Thread: Featured jobs do not appear on top of job list

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer emile23's Avatar
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    Featured jobs do not appear on top of job list

    Hello to all,

    I just started using jobroller so I am still figuring things out. I have been able to create a category which I call 'uitgelicht' which means featured and then I paste the page id in settings under 'featured jobs'. So everything is set up well I suppose.
    Now the problem is, when I make a job 'featured' it does not appear on top of the list nor does the appearance of the job change in my job list.

    Here's a link to my job list on my website: . Now for instance I have changed a job that was published on the 6th of january with the name : 'sales executive sport city Haarlem' to featured but as you can see it does not show on top of the list now nor is the appearance changed. What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for any input.

    Best regards,
    Chet Lok

  2. #2
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    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
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