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Thread: Permalinks: Resumes and Job Alerts

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer harrykumra's Avatar
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    Permalinks: Resumes and Job Alerts


    I need some help with Job Roller, we're just at the user testing stage and have found that as a job seeker using the dashboard that we can add a resume but on submitting the resume it takes us to a page that says "Sorry nothing was found" you then go back to the dashboard and resumes you can edit/hide/delete the resume but cannot preview it.

    We narrowed this down to the url which when we're using the permalink structure /%postname%/ then the url to browse is:


    but when you manually change this to:


    Works okay.

    This has some many knock on effects in email alerts etc.. that to fix this seems quite a mamouth task..

    Has anyone else come up against this? Fixed this?

    We're not using any plugins on the site.

    JobRoller Version 1.7.1
    WordPress Version 3.8
    PHP Version 5.3.28

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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