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Thread: So many errors with jobroller and jobsapp

  1. #1
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    jerrywee's Avatar
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    So many errors with jobroller and jobsapp

    I have updated to latest version(jobroller and jobsapp) with appthemes updater. These errors happen lately.
    Im using jobsapp child theme. I have email to Rahim/Spartac and he asked me to contact Appthemes because the registration form is related to appthemes.

    I have these errors:
    1. Member area - tabs not clickable( -> Live, Pending, ended, order)
    2. Paypal payment page(final step) is not redirecting to
    3. Registration page:
    - password not viewable(only shows asterisks). The Hide button is not working as well.
    - the username field is not in sequence after the company field(not in sequence)
    - error or success is not shown on screen(eg. username or email exists)
    - Login: error not shown on screen if password is incorrect
    4. Map is not working in job submission page as well.

    My site is a live site and jobs submitted everyday. Im suffering a huge loss and my members are so dissappointed.
    I dont want to ask for freelancers to fix because they will break all codes of the theme an Ill have more troubles later on.

    Nowadays, registration form is the most important element because this is where new members start to have confidence or lose trust on the site. Fields like check username or email on the spot are extremely important.

    I hope appthemes can help me. Please dont point to jobsapp or Ill be so deadfish. If jobsapp doesnt want to provide support, appthemes should inform them that they must adhere to your code of conduct and get their version up to date with wordpress and jobroller's code.

    Thanks very much.

  2. #2
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    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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    Expired Customer fasarkerpj's Avatar
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