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Thread: Where should users be stored in Multisite JobRoller

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer jobsonthecoast's Avatar
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    Where should users be stored in Multisite JobRoller

    Hi, I recently took over development of a JobRoller based site. There are three sites all together, two are separate WP site, and the other has been migrated to WP multisite (in preparation for the other two site being moved over).

    The developer before me did the migration of the third site to WP multisite. What he did was a standard migration, but the user info is being stored in wp_users and wp_usermeta rather than wp_x_users and wp_x_usermeta.

    My question is, will it make a difference to JobRoller if we store all of the users information in wp_users and not keep users separated in the wp_x_users tables? We would like our users to be able access information across all of the sites, but don't want to do anything that won;t be forward compatible with JobRoller.


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