Adding new fields to CSV uploader
Before I begin, this is my site: And I have read the two posts on adding new fields to CSV Uploading. and
I have a child theme and I have added the following snippet to my functions.php file in the child theme folder.
function my_custom_csv_fields( $args )
$args['custom_fields']['mydate'] = array( 'internal_key' => 'app_mydate' );
$args['custom_fields']['email'] = array( 'internal_key' => 'app_email' );
return $args;
add_filter( 'va_csv_importer_args', 'my_custom_csv_fields' );
Now I have created the custom form "
email" and "
mydate" into my custom forms and have aplied that form to the category which my test.csv file calls for. The main issue I am having is after importing the test data, as a viewer I cannot see the custom form data on the listing preview or view. When I edit using the normal visitor editor I see the custom form text field empty as shown in the following image:
test results.jpg
Interestingly the field with mydate is there but the email is not, moreover there seem to be 2 slots for email addresses! Again when I enter the edit through dashboard I can see the email field filled up as shown below:
test admin.jpg
Please help!
I want to include email addresses to upoad on my future csv files and I would like the email address to come up on the listings page.