Completion of Order
Due to vantage payment process types limitations, I have set mine to Bank Transfer.
Please advise regarding the following:
A client registers > they then fill out their business information > then they are taken to the screen to show the total price> at the moment the only payment option is bank transfer > they click next, upon this action, the order is generated & the next screen that comes up is the payment details.
The last line reads "To cancel this request or use a regular payment click here"
Upon clicking that link it takes you to the previous page where the choice of your payment method is.
I need to find out
a> what if the client decides to cancel his order and not go ahead with it, why is there no option to cancel, the option of "cancel this request" only takes you back to the payment option page, meanwhile the order is already processed and is visible in wordpress admin for publishing.
The process of money collection from myside relies upon me publishing the business listing, sending out an invoice to the client & requesting money.
It will be embarressing to send and invoice or to call & he says but I cancelled the request.
There is nothing to protect either of us.
b> Why is there no other button to go back to edit the listing, a user has to click back via their browser.