How to make special price for multi-listing... just close a sale for multi-adress
My web site is starting to get some traffic... and more advertiser...
It is the third time i have been requested to make a special price for ads that have more than one address (there offering the same product in different location)
I have try the "if you would like 5 address, you have to order 5 ads, pay 5 times the normal price (plan price) and go to the process 5 times... And i have ZERO closing on this...
10 minutes ago I try over the phone a "just for you 250$ for the same ads with 6 address, that is x% discount" and bingo I close the sale and got the credit card over the phone...
Keep in mind that the next deal will meabe for "x"$ for the same ads with "y" address...
How do i manage 6 ads with the same description in vantage with different addresses and phone?
I was thinking of doing a manual invoice (excel) and charging the credit card manually in stripe... (or should i have a vantage invoice and i create a plan for 250$ for one ads and do ???, or do you have and better solution?)
Do i create a new plan?...what will happen at expiration?... do i create the ads in the backoffice or in the front end?
Any suggestion will be accepted