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Thread: iFraming contant area of single-listing.php for basic editable website?

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    iFraming contant area of single-listing.php for basic editable website?

    Anyone know how to access the content /code of the single-listing page to put it in an iframe. I can iFrame a whole listing, including the search bar but would like to just get the content of single listing.

    The goal is to offer a basic website on a subdomain. The lister can then use the subdomain as a website if they do not have one, or as an online business card if they do. With domain mapping they could also use the single-listing.php content mini site on their own domain.

    The beauty of this is that they can edit the content of their mini site and listing at the same time and it is a good value added feature.

    Also if they start using in their advertising and on their business cards etc., then it is far more likely they will keep renewing their listings.

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