Language issue - not a WPML request/argument :)
I am using Vantage for a local bilingual business directory. I would love it if the theme were fully WPML compliant but I can work around most of that. What I am running into that I need help on has to do with categories. Our categories can be quite long in Spanish alone. If I am forced to use both the English and Spanish in one title, the length is too much to manage. For example: Sillas de Ruedas - Servicios Especiales de Transportación • Wheelchair and Special Needs Transportation
Is it possible to use a single database with two independent installations of Wordpress, one in English and the other using properly translated gettext .mo/.po files to translate the second site into Spanish? The shared database would be key as we do not wish to duplicate all of our data entry and time required for maintenance. For that matter, will a .po file system even translate categories?
Barring that option, does anyone know of any other trick that might help us accomplish this?
Thanks for your time!