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Thread: Payment Plans - specific to certain categories?

  1. #1
    Marketplace Seller dalemiles's Avatar
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    Payment Plans - specific to certain categories?

    Hi Guys,

    Hoping some one can help me out with this or at least give me an idea on the best way to implement it.

    I have 2 categories for my listings:

    Venues & Retailers

    I want listings for Venues to be free for unlimited amount of time.

    But I want listings in the Retailers category to be paid listings either monthly or yearly (30 days or 365 days depending what I choose at the time.

    I see we can add fees to specific categories - but they apply to the plan chosen by the user.
    I don;t want to set a fee for the retailers category when the plan will be unlimited days (for say the venues).

    Would I have to create 2 plans?
    One plan for venues - unlimited day plan
    One plan for retailers - 365 or 30 day depending what I choose. With this plan costing money?

    The only problem with this is how can I stop retailers chosing the free plan to list their venues.

    Any help or clarification on this would be great, from any one.

  2. #2
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