Proper Way to Use Child Theme/Make Edits
Hey Guys
I am curious to know the proper way to use the child theme to make edits of files. My primary question centers around understanding exactly how much/which section of code to tweak. For example, if I copy and paste the entire file into a child theme file to change one line of code, that means that if another section of that file is subsequently modified by AppThemes that future updates will not reflect the change, right?
Let's look at the header.php file for a second. If want to change the description above the search fields for example from:
Near (city, country) to Near (city, state, zip code) how would you make these changes in your child theme.
I am assuming that copy and pasting the entire file into the child theme and then making the text edits is probably the wrong way. So, should I just take out this part:
<div class="search-location">
<label for="search-location">
<span class="search-title"><?php _e( 'Near ', APP_TD ); ?></span><span class="search-help"><?php _e( '(city, state, zip code)', APP_TD ); ?></span>
<div class="input-cont h39">
<div class="left h39"></div>
<div class="mid h39">
<input type="text" name="location" id="search-location" class="text" value="<?php va_show_search_query_var( 'location' ); ?>" />
<div class="right h39"></div>
Thanks for offering some insight on this.