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Thread: Registration before placing an ad

  1. #1
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    Senior Member philesq's Avatar
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    Registration before placing an ad

    I just set up a site with Vantage and found that someone who wants to place an ad has to register first. I didn't realize that at first because every time I clicked on Add a business now, I was logged in as admin and was immediately taken to the screen showing the prices for the different listings.

    When I tried to place an ad in another browser when I was not logged in, I was told that I need to register first and it's not obvious where to do that because it's on the top menu.

    Additionally, I now know why I get many people registering on my Classipress site who never place ads. Once they find out they have to pay for an ad, they abandon the process.

    Additionally, on my Classipress site I get thousands of registered users in my database that I don't need. This also uses up additional server resources causing my hosting fees to go up when I get emails from my hosting company telling me that I'm using too much CPU resources.

    Users need to be taken to the listing selection screen before registering. Please tell me how to do that.

  2. #2
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