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Thread: Is it safe for me to upgrade from Vantage 3 to 4?

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    Member nickjonezy's Avatar
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    Is it safe for me to upgrade from Vantage 3 to 4?


    I have been using Vantage for almost as long as it has existed. My site is I have used a couple of different web designers over the years to slightly customise the website. The site is using a very old version of Vantage because I am worried about updating to Vantage 4 because it will change the whole look of my website, and my advertisers won't like it. I'm also worried that it won't update properly because my site has been modified.

    The site is currently using version 3.0.4-dev-2016-01-07.0.

    My site seems to work OK except for one issue. My advertisers sometimes tell me that they can't see the Edit Listing button. It just doesn't show up. I have to keep telling them to refresh their browser or try a different browser, which seems to fix the issue temporarily.

    My question is, can I safely update my directory to the newest version somehow with it leading to loads of new problems?



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