"Stripe for Vantage" plugin credit card payment hangs if WooCommerce is activated...
Hi there, I'm really hoping you can help with this. We love Vantage, but plan to use WooCommerce and Stripe on this site, too!
During this testing I am logged in as a super admin on our multisite network. Here are notes and screenshots with details of the problem I've isolated:
The "Stripe for Vantage" plugin works when WooCommerce is not active:
However, when I activate WooCommerce and try to pay, it hangs on this page, keeps blipping, trying to reload, and never loads the Stripe screen:
If I then deactivate WooCommerce while it's hanging and blipping away like this, it immediately successfully loads the Stripe screen, confirming that there seems to be a conflict between "Stripe for Vantage" and WooCommerce.
Any ideas on how I can fix this? Also, would you perchance be able to point me to n example of a site with Vantage, Stripe and WooCommerce that is working?
Thanks much,