I have merely entered 3 payment plans.
(there is only one place to enter them so no mistake there)
When viewed on the frontend.......
1. When viewed by means of "Add a business now" everything is correct and working.
2. When viewed by means of "Update Listing" the plans are no correct.
-----a. Recurring payment options are not visible.
-----b. Featured options are not correct.
-----c. The "Continue" button is missing.
I have tried to remedy this numerous times by:
1. Disabling plugins.
2. Trashing the plans and entering them again.
3. Clearing cache.
Right now....I can only assume that this is a bug in Vantage.
Nothing works!
Result: I cannot get "Add a business now" and "Upgrade Listing" to appear or function correctly.
As I said previously....there is only one place to create the plans....so...how could I be doing something incorrectly?
This issue in Vantage makes any site that is not a "non-profit" site useless!
It makes my site useless.
My objective is the make a profit.
If anyone has had a similar experience...please let me know.
If anyone can tell me where I'm going wrong....and/or provide a solution, it would be greatly appreciated.