Create Listing link not working correctly
If logged in, goes to pricing page - that seems correct.
If not logged in, click on Create Listing and goes to page that says "you must first login before you can submit anything." Have tried this on different computers and same. Thinking it should go to the pricing page if click Create Listing and it does not (if not logged in).
Also, when try Login, there is no option to create an account. So, thinking user uses Create Listing to get a login? If so, this is not intuitive. Thinking this is not working correctly as no way to get in to site as a new user?? Please help!
I had the Critic, Daddy Like and AppThemes Confirm Email plugin active, and thought might be hanging up something, so I deactivated them and still same problem. Here is the site:
Last edited by weg4x2a; August 24th, 2017 at 08:10 AM.
Reason: forgot link to site