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Thread: Pausing Listings/Making A Draft

  1. #1
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    Veteran jasongeek's Avatar
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    Pausing Listings/Making A Draft

    I noticed that several customers want to create a draft (or several drafts) before publishing their listing(s). In the Listing Status widget, it has the number of drafts which always equals zero unless you charge for listings and they don't pay at the end.

    It would be nice to be able to set their listings to draft somehow when there's no charge for basic listings (and even if they are charged basic listings).

    Currently, the admin is only able to do it.

    Also, I have several customers that work seasonally, they want to be able to turn their listing on and off (or pause their listing) like we are able to in Classipress. However, I think this would be the same as setting the listing to draft.
    Jason Lee Hayes

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    Senior Member bauerzs's Avatar
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