Your own location pin when searching in Vantage
Hi, I don't know why this is only just coming to my mind given how long I've been using Vantage. However, my question is...Why when you do a search do you not get a red location pin showing the location you searched so you can visually see the closest listing as well?
I often get people calling me asking for their nearest listing because they don't have internet access and I don't know where some of the locations they say are. The auto search is based on 25 miles and if the nearest was that far that wouldn't be any good for the clients so having a pin that represents the searched location would help instantly tell if near is near enough.
Is this not an option will it be available on 4.1.0 (I also noticed I'm on 3.0.8 so way out of date and waiting for 4.1.0)