Select proposal & start project immediately without additional accept/decline steps
Does anyone else think the steps involved in selecting the winning proposal and beginning work on a project is too confusing and long for both the Employer and Freelancer?? The steps require too many status changes before projects begin. It should be as simple as: select proposal and work begins.
I’m wondering if anyone else has the same opinion? Has anyone looked into the development side of changing this??
Else, if you would like the option to simplify the process in a future release, I have added it to the ideas page, so please vote
Problem: The multiple accept/decline statuses will lead to projects being delayed in starting as the proposals may be held up by either the Employer or Freelancer for additional approval steps. Consequently the users will become frustrated with using the system, which will deter them from creating future projects/proposals.
The process involved in starting a project currently is:
1. Employer selects winning proposal **
a. Navigate to Dashboard-Projects
b. Select ‘view proposals’ in action dropdown
c. Select ‘view proposal’ in action dropdown
d. Select ‘Select Proposal’ button
2. Employer then WAITS for Freelancer to accept/decline
3. Freelancer accepts/declines
4. Freelancer then WAITS for Employer to accept/decline
5. Employer accepts/declines & starts project
(Additional terms may be proposed back and forth…)
Proposed solution: It would be great if this process was simpler by totalling skipping the ‘accept/decline’ statuses. Then the work/project could begin as soon as the winning proposal is selected, without the need for the Freelancer and Employer to accept/decline again. The Freelancer has already decided to do the work when submitting his original proposal. This would therefore remove steps 2-4 above, leaving:
1. Employer selects winning proposal & starts project
Additionally the steps a-d against step 1 above could simply be:
a. Navigate to Dashboard-Projects
b. Select ‘view proposals’ in action dropdown
c. Select ‘Select Proposal’ in action dropdown
Again, it removes the need to navigate to the proposal page to select the proposal.
If anyone is interested in seeing this in a future version of Hirebee, please vote