Adding a custom taxonomy to feed
Ive created a custom taxonomy for jobroller where posters have to select their city called location. I've been trying to add it to the job feed generator with absolutely no luck!
I'm trying to get the city field from tpl-xml to load my custom taxonomy into $locs below
$city = $doc->createElement("city");
I have tried pretty much every combination I can think of like, ive also tried other calls besides get_post_meta:
$locs = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'location', true);
To get the taxonomy to appear in front end I use the following but this only breaks the xml and repeats one city a few times above the form
jr_get_custom_taxonomy($post->ID, 'location', 'jloc');
For example I tried calling the category or job type but had no luck doing that either.
Am I missing something to add this?