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Thread: Adding Custom field to Job Form

  1. #1
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    thiagz's Avatar
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    Adding Custom field to Job Form

    Hi Guys,

    I badly need someone's help here to tell me what have I missed out, I have done customization on resume form and there was no problem but for submit job it just doesn't work. I'm using JobRoller together with Jobsapp childtheme. The list below shows the modifications I have done so far, but the data is not persisting in DB. I have done the same customization on the job admin screen by adding a new meta-box and the data stores fine, but the front-end is not working as expected.


    <p class="optional"><label for="job_currency"><?php _e('Job Salary Currency', APP_TD); ?></label> <input type="text" class="text" name="job_currency" id="job_currency" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $job->job_currency); ?>" placeholder="<?php _e('e.g. USD', APP_TD); ?>" /></p>

    add_post_meta($post_id, 'job_currency', $posted['job_currency'], true);
    job-form.php (jr_job_details)

    	$details = array( 
    		'your_name' => $data['_Company'],
    		'website' => $data['_CompanyURL'],
                    'job_currency' => $data['job_currency'],
    		'job_title' => $job_details->post_title,
    		'job_term_type' => get_the_job_terms( $job_details->ID, APP_TAX_TYPE )->slug,
    		'job_term_cat' => $category,
    		'job_term_loc' => $loc,
    		'job_term_salary' => $salary,
    		'jr_address' =>  ( !empty($data['geo_address']) ? $data['geo_address'] : '' ),
    		'jr_geo_latitude' => ( !empty($data['_jr_geo_latitude']) ? $data['_jr_geo_latitude'] : '' ),
    		'jr_geo_longitude' => ( !empty($data['_jr_geo_longitude']) ? $data['_jr_geo_longitude'] : '' ),
    		'details' => $job_details->post_content,
    		'apply' => $data['_how_to_apply'],
    		'tags' => $tags,
    job-form.php (jr_get_job_listing_fields)

    	$fields = array(
    		'your_name' => '_Company',
    		'website' 	=> '_CompanyURL',
    		'apply'		=> '_how_to_apply',
                    'job_currency => 'job_currency',

    <li id="topss"><b><?php _e('Salary Currency',APP_TD); ?>:</b> <?php if ($job_currency = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'job_currency', true)) echo wptexturize($job_currency); ?></li>

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    You must be an AppThemes customer and logged in to view this response. Join today!
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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