Be careful what you wish for...AKA WOW and OWE
My site, posts jobs in the therapy field. Being int he staffing biz for almost 20 years I know a few people, etc and have been actively posting emails to companies and to colleges (EASY WAY TO GET RESUMES STARTED ~FYI)
Anyways, I advertise that anything over 10 jobs posting (I need to up it), my admin department will post jobs for the company.
If I may share an excerpt from an email I got today:
Attached are the most recent 2500 job orders. I did not include our website address as we are currently redoing it- it should be done within 3-4 weeks (we hope!) Please let me know if you need anything else!
AWESOME. Oh wait, now I have to post them
I know there have been suggestions in regards to some kind of integration for multiple jobs and this is a great example. There is not realistic way to post this many jobs. This is not a complaint, just an observation, that, as a tool, we are missing a viable piece of whatever market we are in. For the record this particular company is another staffing company in my field.
Education part:
Easiest place to get job listings is through staffing companies, they have multiple listings and are always looking for another avenue.
But what do you do if someone emails you a neat excel spreadsheet with 2500 jobs??
I am open to any and all ideas. Not looking for an answer as much as having an intelligent discussion about this.
The floor is yours