Changing Colors with Job types.
Currently I am using the latest version of Jobroller with the Prima child theme. I dleted all the job types not realizing it woudl be such a hassle to change them to different colors. I then went to this thread which seems simple enough: This does not seem to work either. After discussions with
tinygiantstudios, he can only tell me three things:
1) "JobRoller reverts to the base setting display settings for any additional Job Types. Prima is no different in this regard. Although it can be altered, it requires additional modification that is tailored towards individual websites."
2) The only files edited on jobroller are the ones Prima uses for the child theme.
3) "The above thread should work perfectly."
While I am not a guru at wordpress, I like to think of myself as a somewhat intelligent person, but that thread simply does not work with prima, or......I'm not as smart as I thought I was. lol
Oh and there was a 4th, He didn't like the way i asked him for help. *shrugs*
Anyways, if someone could please give me a hand with this, as I have to believe it is an incredibly simple thing to change and/or add that I am overlooking. I would sincerely appreciate it and be in your debt. Many thanks.