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Thread: Changing view of some pages

  1. #1
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    Rookie cateatfish's Avatar
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    Question Changing view of some pages

    Hi there community,

    I'm just fiddling around with JobRoller and I would like to have some changes of neccessary ideas.

    1. When creating a job offer, I only have two text blocks. I would show in a separate box the following quick overview on top of the job description:

    Who's looking: company name that offers this job
    Where to work: Name of town
    How to work: Full-time, part-time, freelancer...
    When to start: now, in x month...
    Link: webpage of company

    Any idea how I can make that happen?

    2. I would like to show on the frontpage listing, when new jobs are there with a "New" ribbon. Is there somewhere already an option for that in JR or how can this be customised?

    3. I would like to have one more form fields on the job apply page for additioanly information

    4. As I live in germany I would like to offer more payment options then paypal. I already bought the FXtender plugin, but Google Checkout is not available in Germany, is not well known here. So I would like to integrate a new payment provider like or wirecard. Any ideas how to do this.

    For all the above I'm looking for a developer to make those changes or improvements. Just drop me a PN if you think you can do that.

    Looking forward to your feedback.


  2. #2
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    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
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