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Thread: Creating City / County Pages Job Roller

  1. #1
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    Senior Member pjreynolds's Avatar
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    Creating City / County Pages Job Roller

    Hi - i have purchased job roller as i read that it was possible to search jobs by location and this was one of the requisites for the job board software i needed.

    Specifically i wish to have a page such as URL/london or URL/bristol where i can attach and h1 and description about the job area and jobs with the feed of latest jobs in that area being displayed beneath this.

    Is this possible? can i use 'tags' for this if i must. what i would like to do in a perfect world is add a new 'category' after salary / job type / job category and add /location so that i can great locations as categories and add new jobs to this via the post job form. essentially it would be the same as job type or salary etc with more options. i understand that hacking the code is not advised so wondered if there was a solution or workaround for this. i have seem others have posted similar threads but they don't seem to have received an answer so i'll croos my fingers this will be picked up. i have also looked throughout the tutorials but nothing i can find fits this.

    many thanks in advance

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