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Thread: Disable HTML in Job Description but leave on in apply box

  1. #1
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    Veteran mstrong's Avatar
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    Disable HTML in Job Description but leave on in apply box


    I turned off HTML after launching my fist JR site as employers were cut n' pasting their jobs and there was many times a lot of hidden code in the descriptions that would cause an error due to "too much" input.

    I would like to keep the job description box's HTML turned off - but have it working in the Apply box so that posters can add buttons / apply links that most companies use these days as they have an applicant tracking system (ATS) instead of ugly links.

    A better solution would be a "fix" so that the box's would not malfunction due to too much input. Thus, if there is a way to increase the amount of info that can be inputted in to each box this would make posting easier for everyone and be the most effective solution.

    If not able to do so - then next best would having it on in Apply box and off in Job Description would work as there is so much less code in the apply information.

  2. #2
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