Get rid of Google map
I dont want to dublicate my posts here, but really this is delimna for me!
is there anyway to get rid of the google map from my JR website?
All I want for either post job or post resume is to allow users to use adress input without any " silly" suggestion from google.
I Know like this the radius function on search engine will not work properly, but this is less bad then to see weird regions on the jobs/resume briefs.especailly for some countries, there are dublicated names of cities,wierd names and google database is not that updates for some countries.
So imagine for example you see in the location something like: city,state city of some city,another city, Country !
Only the country is correct, i dont know from where google gets the other list of cities althought it's ONLY ONE ! (this is not a problem in the JR app, but in google database for some countries)
Please if anyone knows, help will be very appreciated.