Message from Indeed - does this affect us?
General question,
Just got the following message from Indeed:
Dear publisher,
We wanted to inform you that Indeed has recently updated its terms of service relating to its publisher program. Effective March 3rd, for Publishers new to Indeed, Indeed will no longer offer the following affiliate products: 1) job search boxes, and 2) text links, both of which allow publishers to refer traffic directly to Indeed. As of April 1st we will no longer compensate Publishers currently using the aforementioned publisher products as well as those displaying Indeed organic jobs via the API or Jobroll. Indeed will continue to work with publishers who have separately been approved for sponsored jobs using our job search api.
Please visit for further information relating to our terms of service. Please do not reply to this email and submit your inquiry through our contact form.
Kind regards,
How does this affect us Jobroller users showing Indeed search results on our page?