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Thread: Need a "consultant" to check out my Jobroller configuration - mostly Paypal and setup

  1. #1
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    Veteran mstrong's Avatar
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    Need a "consultant" to check out my Jobroller configuration - mostly Paypal and setup

    Greetings everyone,

    I have a Jobroller site that has been free to date and I asked my ISP to set up a "clone" site at "" to update the software (Jobroller had not been updated for ~ 2 years as it was a "free site", so now turn on / initiate some payment methods.

    My Google results are #1-3 for its space and I get a reasonable amount of page views and about ~40% returning visitors and this is without even running an SEO plugin as my organic URL names and content have won. My intent was to update the software (as Jobroller is now responsive and seems to have a working resume submission option) and use this dev site as a template in future configurations to replace all of my other job sites. I am at the stage where I need to make sure that I have created the proper payment processes as well that my Business PayPal account will work properly as I seem to remember issues with having the job posting "authorized and the customer being returned to their posting info / account.

    This should be a "super easy" analysis and configuration job, and must work "perfect" before I ask my ISP to replace this dev site with my current "running both old and no revenue generating" site. Not that this "upgrade" shall produce such, but that is my intent.

    I will pay via bank transfer / PayPal OR as you wish. I also own 140 URL's that I can send to you and you can determine if there is any that interest you as and many are good and would trade 1 or more for your efforts - either way - I just want to make sure I have done things right, and to tweak any errors that may exist. I could even trade via the link / free postings on my sites as I have some very decent properties and Linkedin / Facebook (jobs) related sites with lots of likes / hits. I am located in Vancouver, Canada and thus have focussed on location / skill related URL's.

    I also have some software that you may be interested in and if you recommend that I buy a child theme I shall look at that too. My "final push" was that I need sites to be responsive - a given - and I am now comfortable that Jobroller is a stable enough to remit a quality solution that I "just might spend more time on".

    BTW - when you see my Linkedin you will understand (be comforted) that I am both not a scammer and that you be treated with respect and honest business practices (i.e. I do not rip people, off).

    Cheers and thank you for your time,


  2. #2
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    Need a Moderator to view my Indeed integration on new site

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    Help help help help help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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    Marketplace Seller thesyndicate's Avatar
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    I love to help out you out but please read this first Have you tried to install in a root domain? Have you tried to Resave permalinks? Have you tried to disable all plug in? Have you tried the default theme of Wordpress?

    ++ If the issue is fixed consider closing the thread and change to solved, thank you for helping us helping you. ++

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