Need Help in Moving Search Form to Header.php
This question is for the developers of JobRoller, or anyone that has done this before. Here's the link to where the child theme is located:
I need to move the search bar container to a different location. Here's what I've tried so far, and I'm not getting any luck with this.
Currently I see the search wrap container is located in to files.. header-search.php for job searching, and header-resume-search.php for resume search.
I also see the following code in the index.php file which calls to search.php and search-resume.php files.. okay I get that..
// Empty search fixes
if (isset($_GET['resume_search']) && $_GET['resume_search']) :
if (isset($_GET['s']) && isset($_GET['location']) && !empty($_GET['location'])) : get_template_part('search-resume'); exit; endif;
if (isset($_GET['s']) && isset($_GET['location']) && !empty($_GET['location'])) : get_template_part('search'); exit; endif;
<?php get_header('search'); ?>
The problem I'm having is relocating the search form to another container located within the header.php file. If I remove the code above and place it within the container, my whole template crashes. I use <?php get_header('search'); ?> within the container I need, it will display the search bar container, but will not change over when visiting the resume page.
Not sure what I'm missing, or perhaps I overlooked something.. and so I need your help guys. How can I move the search container to the location I need, and have it fully functional.
Thanks in advance.