jomarkosabel (March 12th, 2012)
$location_heading = "This is not a location within Canada";
Miami, FL, United States or Washington State, United States or United States
<?php if (isset($_GET['resume_search']) && $_GET['resume_search']) : get_template_part('search-resume'); exit; endif; ?> <?php if (isset($_GET['location'])) $_GET['location'] = urldecode(utf8_uri_encode($_GET['location'])); ?> <?php get_header('search'); ?> <?php do_action('jobs_will_display'); ?> <div class="section"> <?php // Global so we can pass it on to the filter-process.php file global $find_posts_in, $search_result_ids, $wp_query, $query_string; query_posts($query_string . '&posts_per_page=-1'); $term_heading = ''; $location_heading = ''; $search = get_search_query(); $location = isset( $_GET['location'] ) ? trim($_GET['location']) : ''; $radius = isset( $_GET['radius'] ) ? absint( $_GET['radius'] ) : 0; if ( !$radius ) $radius = 50; if ($search) : $search_result_ids[] = 0; if ($wp_query->posts) foreach ($wp_query->posts as $p) : $search_result_ids[] = $p->ID.''; endforeach; $term_heading = __('Searching for ','appthemes').'“'.$search.'” '; endif; if ($location) : // Get address from post data $address_array = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['latitude']) && $_REQUEST['latitude'] && $_REQUEST['longitude'] && $_REQUEST['full_address']) : $address_array = array( 'north_east_lng' => trim(stripslashes( $_REQUEST['north_east_lng'] )), 'south_west_lng' => trim(stripslashes( $_REQUEST['south_west_lng'] )), 'north_east_lat' => trim(stripslashes( $_REQUEST['north_east_lat'] )), 'south_west_lat' => trim(stripslashes( $_REQUEST['south_west_lat'] )), 'longitude' => trim(stripslashes( $_REQUEST['longitude'] )), 'latitude' => trim(stripslashes( $_REQUEST['latitude'] )), 'full_address' => trim(stripslashes( $_REQUEST['full_address'] )) ); endif; // Do radial search $radial_result = jr_radial_search($location, $radius, $address_array); //ECODE Disabled /*if (is_array($radial_result)) : if ($radial_result['address']) $location = $radial_result['address']; $find_posts_in = $radial_result['posts']; endif;*/ //ECODE On if (is_array($radial_result)) : if ($radial_result['address']){ //$location = $radial_result['address']; $notwithin = strrpos($radial_result['address'], "Canada"); if ($notwithin === false) { // not found... $location = "howdy do"; }else if($notwithin === true){ $location = $radial_result['address']; } } $find_posts_in = $radial_result['posts']; endif; /* if ( get_option('jr_distance_unit') == 'km' ) //ECODE off $format = __( 'Jobs within %s kilometers of %s', 'appthemes' ); //ECODE on //$format = __( 'Jobs within '.$radius.' kilometers of '.$radial_result['address'], 'appthemes' ); else $format = __( 'Jobs within %s miles of %s', 'appthemes' ); */ if ( get_option('jr_distance_unit') == 'km' ){ //ECODE off $format = __( 'Jobs within %s kilometers of %s', 'appthemes' ); //ECODE on //$format = __( 'Jobs within '.$radius.' kilometers of '.$radial_result['address'], 'appthemes' ); }else{ $format = __( 'Jobs within %s miles of %s', 'appthemes' ); } //$location_heading = sprintf( $format, $radius, $location ); //ECODE $location_heading = sprintf( $format, $radius, $location ); $withinl = strrpos(sprintf( $format, $radius, $location ), "Canada"); if ($withinl === true) { //$location_heading = sprintf( $format, $radius, $location ); //as is $location_heading = sprintf( $format, $radius, $location ); $legit = "yes"; }else if($notwithin === false){ // not found... $location_heading = "This is not a location within Canada"; $legit = "no"; } //ECODE echo "<h1>".$location_heading."</h1>"; //echo $location_heading." loc head 1<br />"; //echo $radial_result['posts']." loc head 2<br />"; //echo $radial_result['address']." loc head 3<br />"; //echo $location." loc head 4<br />"; //echo $find_posts_in." loc head 5<br />"; /*echo $format." loc head 6<br />"; echo $term_heading." loc head 7<br />"; echo " loc head <br />"; echo " loc head <br />"; echo " loc head <br />"; echo "code prime loc head z<br />";*/ endif; if ( !$term_heading && !$location_heading ) $term_heading = __('Search Results', 'appthemes'); ?> <?php /* <h1 class="pagetitle"><?php echo $term_heading.$location_heading; ?> <?php if ( $paged>1 ) : ?>(<?php _e('page','appthemes'); ?> <?php echo number_format_i18n( $paged ); ?>)<?php endif; ?></h1> */ ?> <h1 class="pagetitle"><?php if($legit == "no"){ //echo $term_heading.$location_heading; }else if($legit == "yes"){ //echo $format; ////echo $term_heading.$location_heading; //echo $location_heading; } ?> <?php if ( $paged>1 ) : ?>(<?php _e('page','appthemes'); ?> <?php echo number_format_i18n( $paged ); ?>)<?php endif; ?></h1> <?php $args = jr_filter_form(); query_posts($args); ?> <?php get_template_part( 'loop', 'job' ); ?> <?php jr_paging(); ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- end section --> <?php do_action('after_search_results'); ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- end main content --> <?php if (get_option('jr_show_sidebar')!=='no') get_sidebar(); ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
jomarkosabel (March 12th, 2012)
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