Problem with page using template
I have two sites that should be acting the same. I am using the "jobs by date" template. When I view the page source I see this:
I have an issue with the info on a page using a template:
when I view the source code I see this difference:
<body id="top" class="page page-id-2539 page-template page-template-tpl-jobs-by-date-php logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support style-default ">
<body id="top" class="page page-id-8 page-template page-template-tpl-jobs-by-date-php logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support wider style-default ">
I found this in the header.php and it is the same on both:
<body id="top" <?php
$classes = '';
if ( get_option('jr_show_sidebar')=='no' OR is_page_template('home-page.php') OR is_page_template('wide-page.php') OR is_page(8) ) $classes .= 'wider ';
if (get_option('jr_child_theme')) $classes .= str_replace('.css','',get_option('jr_child_theme') ).' ';
body_class( $classes );
As you can see I need the "style-default" to be on the other page. Where in the heck do I find that info to change it?????