Specify Order of Items in Filter Bar
The filter bar by default displays its contents in alphabetical (or numerical) order. Since I have edited my filter bar to display Salary instead of Job Type, this becomes a slight problem as it puts my "$100K+" category at the beginning, whereas I'd rather have my "$20 - 39K" category at the beginning. Not a huge deal, but just annoying enough for me to see if there's a fix.
Does anyone know how I can customize the order of the items that appear in the filter bar? Here's the relevant code from filter-form.php:
$job_types = get_terms( 'job_salary', array( 'hide_empty' => '0' ) );
if ($job_types && sizeof($job_types) > 0) {
foreach ($job_types as $type) {
<p><input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $type->slug; ?>" id="<?php echo $type->slug; ?>" <?php
if (isset($_GET[$type->slug]) || !isset($_GET['action'])) echo 'checked="checked"';
?> value="show" /> <label for="<?php echo $type->slug; ?>"><?php echo $type->name; ?></label></p>
Anyone know what I should add/change?