Static Frontpage for 1.5.5 ( a 90% done tutorial, NEED SOME HELP)
Hi all,
Using 1.5.5, I have set up a static frontpage which largely works.
I took the following steps:
1) Create a new page, e.g. Frontpage
2) Go Setting > Reading > Select "A static page"
3) Select the newly created page as frontpage from drop-down > Select the Latest job as post page from drop-down
4) To fix the Latest Jobs options from point to the frontpage, go theme-support.php, around line 28,29 change to:
if (is_home() && !isset($_GET['submit']) && !isset($_GET['myjobs'])) echo 'current_page_item';
echo '"><a href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'/latest-jobs">'.__('Latest Jobs', 'appthemes').'</a></li>';
Then it is almost done, most are in function now. But I still have 2 problems facing:
1) the Featured Job section, at the Latest Job page, is completely gone
2) when I use the Filter at the Latest Job page, it simply jump to the (new) frontpage (after I selected the job type and click Filter)
Hey Bros, let's fix the above problems and make this a Tutorial for a static frontpage.