style-default.css into Child Theme
I've a CSS issue in my JobRoller Child Theme.
I did a Child Theme for Classipress without problem, but when I try to do the same procedure into JobRoller the style-default.css is always loaded because of this php code into header.php.
PHP Code:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/css/<?php if (get_option('jr_child_theme')) echo get_option('jr_child_theme'); else echo 'style-default.css'; ?>" type="text/css" />
My css file is loaded too but is broken by the default style.
There is no function into admin panel to select my own child theme like classipress (disable core selection..etc)
I don't know how to force my child theme and I don't want to delete your link rel="stylesheet" in my header.php just in case you'll upgrade the jobroller theme.
Could you explain us the good procedure to pass our child theme correctly because is not exactly the same in your classipress chil theme tutorial ?
Thank you very much,