After correct set up at Google, Full mapsupreme not working
At my Google API page the credentials are working and I chose every API relevant.
At the Geosettings in Classipress the map is visible but Geocoding is not working. The pins in the widget are not visible and center is somewhere in the ocean.
After testing geocoding in Geosettings with 'London' or postal code '2525 ZW' I get the following error:
"request": "2525 ZW",
"result": {
"coords": false,
"bounds": false,
"address": false,
"radius": false,
"address_components": [],
"response_code": "REQUEST_DENIED"
I have the newest version of fullmap supreme, 1.0.6.
And I have 2 separate API keys, one for Maps and one for Geo. Billing at Google is correct.
Please advise.