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April 26th, 2019
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April 29th, 2016


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  1. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by ovidiubica On thread : when i log in to my site ,it is still showing register and login in the home page
    Where are you currently hosted? Sounds like an aggressive caching mechanism at server side.
    Liked On: April 7th, 2017, 01:02 PM
  2. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by jomarkosabel On thread : Plan
    Hi aj2703, You can create a plan with a 365 days "Pack :: Duration" and unlimited "Pack :: Job Count". If you mean something else, kindly let me know. - Jomark
    Liked On: April 7th, 2017, 11:46 AM
  3. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by jomarkosabel On thread : Importing
    Hi aj2703, I will test the import function myself and will accordingly let you know of the process to make it work. - Jomark
    Liked On: April 3rd, 2017, 06:52 AM
  4. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by jomarkosabel On thread : Search Does not work.
    This will be referred to the dev team hoping it will be considered for implementation. Thanks aj2703. - Jomark
    Liked On: March 24th, 2017, 02:20 PM
  5. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by sebet On thread : Applications email address (admins only)
    @aj2703, yes. That's the main ideia of that option. You can always confirm this by posting a dummy job and use different emails for testing.
    Liked On: March 24th, 2017, 10:37 AM
  6. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by guiadelamujer On thread : Randomize results of listings
    That really affects the old listings, how come so basic feature, (wich is present in vantage 3.x) is not in this version?, i think this is not common sense, how difficult is to implement a...
    Liked On: March 21st, 2017, 11:51 AM
  7. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by onlinemedia On thread : Randomize results of listings
    Randomized listings need to be added in next update!!!! If you want to be successful in business you'll realize the customer (us) is always right. Get it Done!!!
    Liked On: March 21st, 2017, 11:51 AM
  8. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by jomarkosabel On thread : Search Does not work.
    Hi aj2703, I understand your frustration. Rest assured I am doing all means to have the issue resolved. I have made...
    Liked On: March 11th, 2017, 02:58 PM
  9. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by ovidiubica On thread : Add an image button
    If you change your mind and delete the image(s) and choose to upload again, the issue comes back to bite you. put this new line after line 144 APP_Attachment.attachUploader(); This...
    Liked On: March 8th, 2017, 07:30 AM
  10. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by talent On thread : Add an image button
    An age old bug finally fixed, Yay!
    Liked On: March 8th, 2017, 07:30 AM
  11. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by dalemiles On thread : What he said.....
    If you're looking for a Classipress plugin to allow users to post feedback on other users then the User Feedback & Search plugin in my signature is what you'd need :)
    Liked On: February 16th, 2017, 11:59 AM
  12. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by jomarkosabel On thread : Add an image button
    Hi aj2703, I will check this on my test site after rebuilding it. I will let you know by then. - Jomark
    Liked On: February 16th, 2017, 11:58 AM
  13. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by talent On thread : Add an image button
    Arrrrrrgh!, it's been like that forever! It's def. something that should be looked into IMHO.
    Liked On: February 16th, 2017, 11:58 AM
  14. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by muadmz On thread : Location : Anywhere | Indeed | Help please
    Since I couldn't edit my earlier reply for this, I'm just adding some info for it below. Other than the map location, it also doesn't have the following fields to import data into. ...
    Liked On: February 11th, 2017, 05:02 AM
  15. aj2703
    aj2703 liked post by sebet On thread : Import problems...
    @aj2703, I understand your need to separate imported jobs but you're actually the first customer to ask for it. I usually develop considering customers requirements and so far, the main intention as...
    Liked On: January 5th, 2017, 07:05 AM
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