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  1. Replies

    Recurring Payments

    I still wait in anticipation then :-( my project has hit a brick wall until this feature is available
  2. Surely subscribing to the category rss feed would...

    Surely subscribing to the category rss feed would do this? I don't use rss but I'm pretty sure it can do that
  3. ok it works but doesnt work. Just realised...

    ok it works but doesnt work.

    Just realised when I do a refine the url that is created is:


  4. Hmm interesting, I've got two test ads with the...

    Hmm interesting, I've got two test ads with the exact same address. One is fine and one has the position problem! Very odd. I'll try to remember to keep you posted on this one :-)
  5. OK so I worked out the first bit. for thos...

    OK so I worked out the first bit.

    for thos that are interested you manually exclude it from the function that calles it:

    with this line
    . "AND field_name != 'cp_zipcode' "...
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