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  1. Thread: Anti spam

    by pepsi

    Yes, that's all you need to do to activate the...

    Yes, that's all you need to do to activate the reCaptcha in the registration form. No additional coding required.
  2. Ah thanks for the reminder, ill install and test...

    Ah thanks for the reminder, ill install and test it including update if needed next monday or sooner.
  3. Yes, this is a new feature. Just be sure to...

    Yes, this is a new feature. Just be sure to activate the reCaptcha feature along with it to help with spammers.

    This topic is being discussed in another thread, and at this stage no there isn't...
  4. [SOLVED] You need to have the php_mbstring module enabled...

    You need to have the php_mbstring module enabled in your server. Just ask your host's support to have it enabled.
  5. Replies

    The master.css was used in previous versions of...

    The master.css was used in previous versions of ClassiPress, but has changed since then. If you're looking at customizing your theme, then may wish to read more about creating child themes in our...
Results 1 to 5 of 5