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  1. Email me your mySQL Admin login and I'll get it...

    Email me your mySQL Admin login and I'll get it sorted out for you.
  2. Sounds like the default fields didn't get created...

    Sounds like the default fields didn't get created for some reason. I've attached the sql which will create them all. Just run it from your mySQL interface.

    Note, this script assumes your table...
  3. Replies

    I have referred this to our development team for...

    I have referred this to our development team for further assistance and will update as soon as possible. Thank you.
  4. Replies

    The site looks really messed up in Google Chrome....

    The site looks really messed up in Google Chrome.
    The water image hangs down over the menu, covering "Distribution".
    If I click on Distribution, it shows a large block with a broken image link.
Results 1 to 4 of 4