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  1. Replies

    [SOLVED] Just add the following to the style.css file in...

    Just add the following to the style.css file in the child theme:
    li#cp_contact_number { display: none; }

    Although it should already be there on line 1533, unless you deleted it?
  2. [SOLVED] just inspect element in browser, add display:none...

    just inspect element in browser, add display:none

    and how u bring the number in contact
  3. Replies

    Translation Vantage: Create the folder...

    Translation Vantage:

    Create the folder "languages" of Wordpress as a folder name following "themes"

    This is the path of the new folder: /wp-content/languages/themes

    Now send the file...
  4. I try to reproduce your issue and this is what I...

    I try to reproduce your issue and this is what I did so far:
    1. I changed the "Add New" page to a different url --> The "Post your Ad" button do not work properly (redirect me to another page by...
  5. [TUTORIAL] I'm not quite sure what you mean. (the language...

    I'm not quite sure what you mean. (the language barrier and long sentences).
    Maybe you tell me what you want exactly? Which fields to add to your user profile?

    I find it easier to help you.
  6. Replies

    Hello All, in order to change the alt and...

    Hello All,

    in order to change the alt and title attributes i added the following inside this function -> jQuery("a.preview").hover(function(e) :

    after the following line :...
  7. Replies

    Re: Highlight Featured Ads

    Found a way to style the feature ads :)

    I wanted to change the background colour of the box that the listings show in.

    In search.php, archive-default.php and also index-standard.php or...
Results 1 to 7 of 7