Hi marco2post
Yes, the customer will still be able to purchase the featured option at the time of posting.
Hi marco2post
Yes, the customer will still be able to purchase the featured option at the time of posting.
Will take your words as a point for starting a brainstorming in order to decide what to do ;)
Anyway we'll need to see what's planned for the next ClassiPress release and make any decision based on...
The administrator can create coupons from the back end but he has to create a page or a post to announce/offer the coupons.So to answer your questions no one will see the coupons if the administrator...
There is no built in feature in ClassiPress for this, but you can send it with an email or any other form of communication.
Hi, in order to use a coupon you must present/display the coupon code.That means that you can offer by email (or any other way) the coupon code to the users you want.
Please let me know if you...
Hi Folks,
ClassiPress Mobile have been just updated!
Now it is compatible up to ClassiPress 3.1.8 version ;)
… or use your download link to get the latest version available....