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  1. Replies

    [SOLVED] Hi, please see this thread...

    Hi, please see this thread
  2. As far as I know, there are already many...

    As far as I know, there are already many applications (themes, plugins) have more countries & cities function.

    You can select only one country or multiple countries, multiple levels, dynamic,...
  3. Hello there, Being the author of Dynamic...

    Hello there,

    Being the author of Dynamic Multi-Level Fields, I would like to mention that I have tried my best to provide support for my plugin, often spending hours helping customers or...
  4. Look this screen ...

    Look this screen

    Also important to set in tab 'Security' Back Office Access: Admins Only
  5. You are perhaps referring to the WP tool bar, to...

    You are perhaps referring to the WP tool bar, to disable it just set to No the "Disable WordPress User Toolbar:" dropdown option of which can be found through the Classipres admin>>Settings>>Advanced...
Results 1 to 5 of 5