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  1. Check out your header.php and find around line 68...

    Check out your header.php and find around line 68 this:

    <a href="<?php echo CP_ADD_NEW_URL; ?>" class="obtn btn_orange"><?php _e('Post an Ad', 'appthemes'); ?></a>
  2. Hello to all - I completely agree with some...

    Hello to all -

    I completely agree with some comments and in the middle on the others.
    I've been in internet marketing for over five years and learned some things about starting a new site.
  3. Replies

    [SOLVED] Hey guys, just to follow up with my recent issue...

    Hey guys, just to follow up with my recent issue trying to import this .csv file.....

    First I would like to thank "strategicdm" for the time spent helping me. I am a mac user and I was saving the...
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