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  1. Install Adminer for wordpress, then use this to...

    Install Adminer for wordpress, then use this to save off copy of your entire database in sql format.

    I also use an ftp client to access my server. Most people use filezilla.

    Then using the ftp...
  2. Replies

    Easy way to add Category Icons

    The easiest way that I found is:
    1- upload icons in your media library ( best size is 30X30)
    2- Download and activate Plugin "reveal ID's"
    3- go to "Ad Categories" and see the ID number on each...
  3. Replies

    [SOLVED] Hey petfive, You will need to use the meta...

    Hey petfive,

    You will need to use the meta name of the country custom field, which would look something like this - cp_country

    So to echo the country, use this code:

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