Hi Kumi,
You can check on this child theme tutorial https://docs.appthemes.com/tutorials/using-child-themes-to-style-jobroller/. As you might have noticed, the tutorial is for Jobroller but it is...
Hi Kumi,
You can check on this child theme tutorial https://docs.appthemes.com/tutorials/using-child-themes-to-style-jobroller/. As you might have noticed, the tutorial is for Jobroller but it is...
Hi Kumi,
yes you can, but create a backup before you go ahead. just in case.
there is no option to remove that button except if you apply some custom mods.. you go to jobsapp theme panel => theme settings => custom css ('field) => you paste this code
Although all these questions are related to jobroller framework not jobsapp, but I would like to answer them
1-What editor? you can use firebug, inspect the button then change its font size to...
Use this code in the custom css field :
#logo {margin-top: 10px}
Change the value of the margin you want to apply, then save settings
I cannot decide alone about this but I will forward it to my dev team and we see what we can do about it.
Make sure that we always try to enhance our theme with all what might help our awesome...
no, from jobsapp only.
Hi Matt, have you tried to copy the template-ads-home.php and rename it something like template-ads-home2.php then upload it via ftp so you now have two identical templates but with different names?...
pm and admin access ,i will see the settings
about the space appearing under the header, it's an empty space for an advertising you set to enable, you go to jobsapp panel => advertising => disable...
Hi Kumi,
Thank you for purchasing our theme.
post your url so I can see.
for the header background, add this code
.header-l { background: #000; border-radius: 0;}
then save...
Hi kumi,
You can upload the dev build just like a normal theme. Before so doing, please backup your database just to be on the safe side.
Hi Kumi,
This is a common error not just with AppThemes and could be due to;
Kindly check if your 2checkout merchant account is live and active.
Anyway, I have moved this thread to the...
Hi Kumi,
You can check on this here http://docs.appthemes.com/jobroller/creating-and-using-job-packs/.
Hi marcelopedra,
I will refer this to the Development Team so it can be considered for implementation on the next version release.
Go to your admin Classipress->Settings - General tab, set your subcategories to show all or your desired amount.
Hi there,
It need little bit of customised of code in featured.php
I add on top of the code
$stickies = get_option( 'sticky_posts' );
$count = count( $stickies );
to count how many...
Best to allow users to upload 2mb, because some mobiles including the iPhone4 upload images in this size. Anything less may not allow your users to upload from their mobiles, which will be annoying...
The site is in construction phase and member registrations are disabled. However, if you want to send me your email address via Private Message, I can set up a test account for you. This...
Well here is the code if anyone want's it
if you need help with it let me know
<a href="#" class="classname">Submit Resume</a>
<style type="text/css">
.classname {