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Thread: [IDEAS] Pre Sales Question from pcgs51

  1. #1
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    [IDEAS] Pre Sales Question from pcgs51

    Several questions and I really wish I wasn't forced to place them here.

    Why aren't your themes responsive and when will they be responsive?
    Can I use a child theme with 'Ideas'?
    Can I install a business directory plugin with 'Ideas'?
    Are there any plugins not recommended to use with 'Ideas'?
    If I know CSS can I style 'Ideas' myself?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    - We are progressively making our themes responsive, and this has already been completed with Vantage. ClassiPress and JobRoller are due to have the relevant changes made in the next major release of each (time frames for those releases are indicated here), with the others to follow.
    - There are no existing child themes for Ideas in our AppThemes marketplace at this time, however yes you do have the option to create and use your own child theme for Ideas if you wish.
    - AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins, so we unfortunately cannot guarantee that every plugin will be compatible with our themes.
    - There are literally thousands of available WordPress plugins, and as mentioned above, it's not possible for us to support them as there are so many variables. You can find recommended plugins here outside of what is in the AppThemes marketplace, but ultimately it's down to trial and error when testing other plugins.
    - Yes, as mentioned above.

    Thanks :)

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks for your reply but the link you provide doesn't really tell me much about what is going to happen with Ideas or any other theme.

    Do you have a list of known plugins or plugin types that don't or wouldn't work with Ideas?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The link provided gives you estimated release dates for the next major versions of our themes - so for ClassiPress and JobRoller for example, you can expect that those themes will be responsive with the next major release. At this point in time there is no confirmed time frame for when this is available with Ideas and the remaining themes, but it will likely come after the others have been released.

    No, there is no specific list of plugins for the Ideas theme as you describe. In saying this, since all of our themes make use of WordPress custom post types, you can rule out those that do not support custom post types for starters. Thanks.

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