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Thread: 2 categories, 2 user types

  1. #1
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    Guest matt's Avatar

    2 categories, 2 user types


    I am hoping you might give me some guidance before purchasing. I would like to setup a babysitting website, with only 2 type of classifieds, and only 2 types of users:

    Parent - looking for a babysitter (in their geo (suburb/surrounding suburbs)
    Babysitter - looking for a parent (in their geo (suburb/surrounding suburbs)

    Classified categories:
    Babysitter wanted (parent add)
    Babysitting job wanted (babysitter add)

    Payment would be paypal and ccard, for small fee for classified duration (3 months).

    When subscription ends both users can still login but they cant access the contact details (contact seller by email or phone) without renewing the subscription. While they are subscribed their respective classified adds are available and they can access the contact details of any other users classified ads.

    I hope this is clear?

    Question is, for those that know the classipress solution, can you see it handling the above requirements without to much modification (of course i expect to work on the CSS/look and feel).



  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The ClassiPress theme does not currently have any function to allow 2 different registration types, so this type of functionality would require some customization on your part.

    You can certainly create whatever categories you require, and also make use of the existing custom forms function which would allow those posting in the relevant category to see the relevant new ad form.

    ClassiPress also currently doesn't have a subscription function built into the theme, and there are no restrictions as you describe to certain areas apart from the requirement to register to post ads, or the option to require registration to use the sidebar contact form in the ads, so again this would take customization to achieve your desired functions.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    The ClassiPress theme does not currently have any function to allow 2 different registration types, so this type of functionality would require some customization on your part.

    You can certainly create whatever categories you require, and also make use of the existing custom forms function which would allow those posting in the relevant category to see the relevant new ad form.

    ClassiPress also currently doesn't have a subscription function built into the theme, and there are no restrictions as you describe to certain areas apart from the requirement to register to post ads, or the option to require registration to use the sidebar contact form in the ads, so again this would take customization to achieve your desired functions.
    Thanks Pepsi.

    I think I can deal with your point in the firsts paragraph with the design.

    The no subscription though is a problem. Just so I understand, do you mean you cant have the users access to the contact form / or even the site, expire after a period of time, in the same way their ad might expire?

    thanks again

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Correct, there currently is no subscription feature, or any options to specifically restrict a users access to the site in any way based on their login.

    The only such restriction to the sidebar contact form in the ads which you can make at this point in time, is based on whether or not you require people to be registered in order to use the form to make contact.

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